The game handles this transition really well, and while it feel like it’s ripped straight out of Donkey Kong Country Returns, it feels like it’s generally executed better here. Kirby can now use his warp stars to move between the foreground and the background to explore for items and to help solve puzzles. There are, of course, some new additions to the series too. Heck, some models and animations are ripped directly from 2011’s Kirby’s Adventure which is a bit disappointing. Most of what’s included, at it’s absolute core, remains unchanged from previous games. Kirby can still inhale enemies, copy their abilities and use these abilities to progress through alternating routes in the game’s environments or to solve simplistic puzzles. There are a few differences here, however, as Kirby can now jump between a foreground and background to give the game a feel between 2D and 3D. Kirby games are typically two dimensional platformers, and Triple Deluxe is no different in this regard. These small touches make the game feel very vibrant and very alive. It can be fun to see enemies struggling to hold on to objects while Kirby attempts to suck them in – it’s just a very subtle and yet very funny touch. While the story is not worth writing home about, the game’s tone and humour is definitely some of the strongest in the series. Taranza has captured King Dedede, and Kirby must defeat him and his minions to restore Dream Land to its proper state and rescue Dedede. When Kirby wakes up, he finds himself located in a new and exotic land called Floralia – which is currently being ruled by a six-armed villain named Taranza. One night, while he’s sleeping, Dream Land and Kirby’s house are both grown into the sky by a giant beanstalk called the Dreamstalk. Triple Deluxe wastes no time in introducing yet another dilemma for Kirby to selflessly solve. With Kirby Triple Deluxe, the latest offering for the 3DS, I had no idea what to expect. While I’ve enjoyed Kirby more so when he is experimenting (Epic Yarn, Mass Attack and Canvas Curse are some of my favourites), I also love the copy mechanic and combining said abilities to create new and exciting ones.

So despite my lack of enthusiasm for the series today, Kirby has always held a special place in my heart. He was also the first game I ever completed all by myself as a kid, way back on the Game Boy. He’s pink, he’s cute and he’s entirely loveable. I’m not a huge or die hard Kirby fan by any means but I’ve always had an appreciation for the lovable ball of non-specific organic matter.